I started 3 yrs ago with an 89dl, found it a little to gentle and didn't quite shave close enough, moved to a Merkur barber pole slant for like a year, liked it but found lots of irritation around my neck and just a little ruff in general. Tried a DLC Ikon and hated it, angle was just all wrong for me.
I then moved on to a Futur which I really liked at first but am finding just not so much anymore similar to the Merkur slant, lots of neck irritation. I randomly went back to the 89dl after having not used it for 3 yrs and really like how smooth it is but finding again it is just not aggressive enough even with a 3 pass.
I was thinking of trying the Rockwell 6s but don't want to just keep throwing money at my shaving hobby. Any recommendations for something a little more aggressive than the 89dl. But gentler than the other 2.
New Razor recommendations