I've enjoyed reading Badger & Blade and wanted to repay all those who selflessly contribute far more than I. My PIF is simply a function of having far more items that I truly need. Time for others to make better use of them.
Some notes on what's included:
1) Brush and razor stand in excellent condition
2) Gray travel brush case that will fit most size brushes
3) (from L to R) Jagger Best Badger; Parker BHST Silvertip: Parker BCPB Pure Badger
4) Approximately 80-85 Personna Lab Blues
5) 2 unopened bottles of Pacific Pre-Shave Oil
6) 8 Feather blades
7) 1 unopened Pacific Nick Stick
8) Black imitation leather travel case for DE razors. Fits the Merkur 23C long handle with ease.
9) Merkur 23C long handle DE razor
10) Merkur 34C short handle razor
Nothing fancy here. Just tell me you're in and I'll select via RNG. I'll pay shipping - Open to Continental U.S. only. PIF closes 6/7/2016.
New PIF - Best of Luck