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mercredi 27 avril 2016

WTB: WTB Synergy/PAA Cavendish 8oz (bigger tin) shaving soap

WTB: WTB Synergy/PAA Cavendish 8oz (bigger tin) shaving soap

A while back I recieved a previous sample of the older formulations of both synergy/paa Cavendish. I am looking to buy the 8oz shave soap tins either in the original synergy and or paa reincarnation.?

If you have an 8oz tub lying around which is not getting any use/love (new or used), I would be inrerested in purchasing it.

I live in Toronto Canada so I wouldn't mind paying intl shipping.

Thanks for reading my post.

List Date: 4/27/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: WTB: WTB Synergy/PAA Cavendish 8oz (bigger tin) shaving soap
Want to Buy (WTB) Please Contact Buyer with offers.


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WTB: WTB Synergy/PAA Cavendish 8oz (bigger tin) shaving soap

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