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mercredi 27 avril 2016

Two Good Weekends

Two weekends in a row, I had really good luck at local antique stores. I found the Old Spice bottle - complete with its original red box - and the Old Spice mug, both in one shop, though I had to hunt for the mug as it was hidden behind a bunch of boring cups. The little Seaforth jug was in another shop, which was chock full of interesting things, including two unused Ever Ready brushes from the '40s in their boxes and a full vintage bottle of Parker Quink ink.

But I digress. The best part? Both aftershaves were full! I've tried a splash of each and they're both potent and wonderful. I had no idea that Seaforth even made AS, but I'm really happy they did as I like it a touch better than the OS, so I'll be on the hunt for more!

Pardon the fish-eye view, there's not much to be done about an iPhone's lens.

Click image for larger version.  Name: Seaforth_and_Old_Spice.jpg  Views: 4  Size: 35.2 KB  ID: 654889

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Two Good Weekends

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