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vendredi 1 avril 2016

Provence Sante aftershave reformulation?

Hello Community! First off, I would like to introduce myself since this is my first post (sorry I haven't checked in). My name is Phil and I am a wet shaving addict. I have been traditional wet shaving for about 8 months now. I have been creeping the forums even before then and recently took the plunge and joined!

I recently made a purchase of new aftershaves including: Speick Active aftershave lotion and Provence Sante aftershave lotion. I wanted the PS because of the fact that it (should) contain shea butter. After coming home and looking over the ingredients list of both, I realized the PS does not list shea butter, however it does contain aloe extract. My question is, has PS reformulated their lotion supplementing shea butter for aloe? Has anyone tried the lotion containing aloe, and if so, would you say it is as moisturizing as it was with shea butter? I did not want to try it out today after my shave because I will probably return it to Merz in Chicago if it doesn't get good reviews. I know I probably should try it and post the results, however it was $16 and I was expecting shea butter. I do not think aloe will cut it for moisturizing properties for me. I wanted to use the PS alone without a balm.

On another note, I followed my shave today with the Speick Active lotion with a little PdP balm and it was lovely! The scents actually pair really well together to me. Thanks everyone!

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Provence Sante aftershave reformulation?

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