So...has anyone used this stuff? I, like many others, have purchased the Clubman Styptic Pencil from the drug store or the big box store that we shall not name. Early on I used it a lot. And "a lot" is really an understatement. Anyway, after awhile, the pencil starts looking more like a stalagmite then it does a shaving remedy. Then it gets all white an crusty inside the clear plastic tube, and after awhile, I just don't want to use it anymore. So I thought about styptic powder. I use this on my dogs for when the not so often mishap of cutting a nail too short on one of my two weenies or my "labish" dogs. I know it is probably the same thing, but I didn't want to buy styptic powder marketed for dogs. I mean...I am more wolf than man as it is...I don't need to give my wife anymore ammunition on the home front. So I was purchasing something at Italian Barber and I noticed the Proraso Styptic Gel and I was berry intrigued. So I put some in the cart and waited.
When it came, I opened it up and checked it out. Sure's gel. So I waited...and waited...and waited...and yes, I waited some more...then it happened. I nicked myself. I rushed to the pull out drawer and pulled out the Proraso Styptic Gel and used just the tiniest amount. I dabbed it on the gusher...okay it wasn't a gusher...just a nick...and the bleeding stopped immediately. No sting, no smell, and no blood. I continued on with my zen like shaving process and enjoyed my morning shave.
So compared to the Clubman Styptic Pencil, it is more expensive ($4.99), but as often as I use it and as little as you need, it should last a very long time.
Anyway...just thought I would share and see if anyone else uses this. Have a great weekend!
Proraso Styptic Gel