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jeudi 28 avril 2016

Out of stock Kanoyama Board (travel) strop

Rare and long unavailable Kanoyama board strop. I bought it secondhand in excellent condition and have never used it since buying it. I was going to wait till my stropping skills had improved. But I've mostly given up on straight shaving and this was too beautiful for me to mar through use. It has very, very minor blemishes as it came from the original seller, but nothing that would interfere with smooth stropping. Note the added loops for hanging or easier use.

Original list was $112 plus shipping. Just hoping to recover most of my money.
Asking $75 shipped CONUS.
Click image for larger version.  Name: kanayama travel strop.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 19.7 KB  ID: 654989Click image for larger version.  Name: IMG_20160428_143036.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 55.6 KB  ID: 654990

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Out of stock Kanoyama Board (travel) strop

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