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mercredi 27 avril 2016

I have the equipment, at last: impressions and doubts


I finally managed to get some wet shave equipment. I already had a shaving brush (normal/cheap one), which I'm considering replacing because I feel some scratching while spreading the lather.

I got:
- Wilkinson Sword Classic + 5 blades from the same brand
- Ach Brito Lavanda Cream

I find that I can only shave WTG, because when I do ATG I get some irritation and some skin cuts. I do two WTG passes and get a reasonable shave. Is there anyone that only shave WTG? Do you get a perfect shave?

What do you think about this blades? I'm considering buying some sample pack to understand which one is best for me. Do you recommend any online store with affordable prices? Some places have overpriced blades...


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I have the equipment, at last: impressions and doubts

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