Welcome aboard Rad. Will you see a difference in your shaves what? Because of the different products, or because of technique? Because the answer in both cases is yes, but for different reasons. Different products will give you different results. Different technique will also vary your shaves. Using different products while improving or changing your technique will also change your shave. So even if you've experiences a product. As you become a more experienced wet shaver you should go back and retry some of the earlier products. Your opinion on them might have changed. As we say around here. YMMV
If your new, I'd say make sure you have a baseline soap. A soap you like, and can lather well. Once you have found that soap, compare all others to it. Stick to lather and slickness. Scent is subjective and unless you have a dermal reaction to an ingredient it's all personal preference. Some people like sandalwood, some don't for example. You can if you enjoy the Porasso, also pick up their green label as C.O. Bigelow at Bath and Body Works? Or is it The body store? I can't keep the two straight. But $10 gets you like 6 or 8oz of Porasso green in a private label tube. Else, you're new, if you want to try it, go ahead, you won't be sure if you like a product till you've tried it. What I try to do is have a few soaps, then when I finish those order a bunch of other different ones. That way you don't get a backlog of soaps that dry up and loose their scent from being in the den for 7.87 years. Unless it's for St. Sue or St. Charles Shave, in which case, buy 4.