Hello all!
Greetings from Minnes"o"ta!
Little about me:
Born raised 'sotian
31 years old
Just started using a safety razor about 6 months ago, I have been loving it.
Excited to learn how to use a straight edge - just got a shavette but have yet to try it.
Spend way to much money on brushes, samples, soaps, creams, and razors. :)
Taught my 63 year old father how to use a safety razor, he was tough to convince but hasn't looked back since.
Never thought I would look forward to shaving as much as I do.
Current favorite setup is - Semogue 1250 - Razorock Stallion - Merkur Progress - Gillette Silver blue.
Close second is - Razorock Chubby - B&M Seville - Razorock Jaws - Gillette Silver blue.
So far Gillette Silver blue's work best but they leave my skin a touch irritated. Anyone know something similar but a little more smooth?
Hello from Minnesota!