Just received my restocking order of No. 109 from smokingpipes.com and was surprised to see that it now comes in a square tin.
I was even more surprised to see that instead of the one long rolled up flake in the tin that it was now packed in neatly cut rectangular flakes like FVF or Dunhill Flake. The tin aroma seemed the same, but the wrapper did not bear the oily stains like those in the round tins. Upon first lighting the flakes no longer released the sweet chocolate/raisin/fig flavor I expected. It was more floral with hints of spice and licorice, like Esoterica Kingsbridge.
It's not bad, but it's not the same. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the new tins of No. 109?
Has Astley's No. 109 Been "Reformulated"