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samedi 2 avril 2016

First shave with weishi 9306-i

Weishi in itself is a good low cost, no frills razor, that does a consistently good job, and some of the special finishes make it look special
The Vintage Bronze finish on the 9306I looks especially good
I've got a 9306CL, the shiny Black Pearl finish looks cool, and the long handle gives it an nice balance and a heavy feel, out of all of my razors, the Weishi is my go to razor and I always get a good shave out of it even when I'm half asleep and in a rush
My rotation, L-R
Top: Rapira Platinum Lux with Boctok handle, Russian Ideal Adjustable, Weishi 9306CL
Bottom : Windrose D-9 Chunky with thick Merkur style head, Windrose SP-4 with slim Merkur style head, Frankenrazor- Hexagonal aluminium handle off Chinese 3-piece, Chrome head off green plastic handled Chinese 3-piece
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First shave with weishi 9306-i

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