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jeudi 28 avril 2016

A day on the river - warning pic heavy

Hi everyone, thought it easier to start a new thread rather than bombard the Let's see your bird pictures thread.

Recently went up to the Riverland and remembered to take the Nikon with me, hoping to practice some "bird in flight" shots.

Managed to get a couple, and some nice non-flight pictures too. Hopefully I've correctly identified them all, they seemed to match the fieldguide I was using.

Australian Magpie

Crimson ('yellow') Rosella (Juvenile?)

Willie Wagtail

Purple Swamphen


Galah and Noisy Miner

Noisy Miner

Eastern Reef Rgret

Australian Pelican

Eurasian Coot

Welcome Swallow

Crested Pigeon

Not too sure on this one, based on the speckling I think it could be a juvenile Eastern Reef Egret, but not sure....

Rock Dove

Finally, not a bird, but a rabbit

Thanks for looking everyone. As always, thoughts, comments and hints/tips for improvement are always welcome

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A day on the river - warning pic heavy

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