So i'm pretty new to this whole thing. Been wetshaving for about three months now but i've been bitten by the restoration bug. So far I have done two brushes, a rubberset 103 I picked up from an antique store, and an ever ready f40 from my great uncle. Here's the thing. Both of these handles I filled with a TGN finest 22mm. The rubberset is at a loft of 48mm and I set the f40 at 50mm. The difference between the brushes is pretty astounding. At least to my uneducated eyes. They look like completly different knots. The bloom on the 50mm is much larger than i expected it to be. That being said, they both perform great and I'm enjoying learning how to do this. Side by side photos attached. The rubberset on the left and the f40 on the right.
A tale of 2mm