Gillette offered in 1958, in conjunction with their sponsored television series, Gillette's Cavalcade of Sports, a re-design of the originally introduced 1954 Flare Tip Super Speed razor- the 1958 TV Special. Featured as a mail-in promotional beginning in the first production quarter of that year- the TV Special razor flaunted straight knurled ridges down the length of the handle. This special Super Speed razor differed from the workhorse Flare Tip's handle knurling, which was segmented by 10 bands milled transversely down the length of the handle, ending in a milled band and knurled tail, acting as a pedestal to the fluted and banded twist-to-open knob. Overall, this made the handle length to appear longer on the TV Special razor, and the pedestal following the wider milled band near the base of the handle was much shorter than the one found on the Flare Tip. The TTO knob was the same on both models, and on the TV Special, the knob was now held in place by a circlip. Each weighed approximately 57 grams, and because of the knurling, was easily held and maneuvered in use. Previously, Gillette had designed in 1954, a case with a blue base and clear styrene hinged lid uniquely for their first television promotional razor, and the 1958 version utilized the same molds, but with a red base. The case was considerably smaller than the regular production Super Speed styrene cases for mailing, but still held the razor and a six blade, Blue Blade dispenser positioned under the razor. Pictured is a date coded D1 example for the 1958 TV Special, and a Z1 date coded Flare Tip Super Speed and case for comparison. God Bless! Tony Brown RN mgbbrown Gillette 1958 TV Special Super Speed and Red Styrene Case Closed View.JPGGillette 1958 TV Special Super Speed Razor Date Code D1 with Unique Knurling Side View.JPGGillette 1958 TV Special TTO Knob Attachment Circlip.JPGGillette 1954 Flare Tip Super Speed Razor Date Code Red Styrene Case with Ten Blade Blue Blade D.jpg
Gillette D1 1958 TV Special