عيد مبارك سعيد

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mardi 1 septembre 2015

After a week

So I have had a few friends talking about safety razors and never took the plunge. Generally a few times a year I get the whole bush person look because I hated shaving, and hated buying those expensive cartridges. I recently came off of one of my bush times, and I decided to use a safety razor.

It is funny because now I actually look forward to my shave. I rather enjoy shaving now. My starter set includes Merkur 34c and the Van Der Hagen luxury shave set. Knock on wood but I have only had one minor nick. I watched lots of videos on technique before I even started. I am definitely hooked on shaving this way. I do not ever see me going back to cartridge razors. I am curious to try out a straight razor at some point though.

The one thing I am not crazy about in my setup is the brush. It is a little to coarse for my liking. I see that being the first thing I am going to change. I do not want to drop a lot of money on a brush, but I am thinking about going with a whippeddog HMB brush. I am also wanting to try some different soaps.

After doing this for a week now, I am wondering why people every moved off this type of shaving. I never thought shaving could be a hobby until now.

After a week

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