I bought this razor on eBay, was really stoked, but the guy kept stalling to send to me, 1 week, 2 weeks, kept making excuses why he couldn't with his work schedule, and many more other excuses, then he said finally he found the blade had a very small crack in it, and couldn't send it that way, and was going to have it laser welded, and if I still wanted it. He also said he had another just like it that had been repaired, imagine just like it, (I don't believe he even has a razor for sale), I said no to both, and I wanted a refund, now it is into the 3rd week, and no refund, more excuses, like he doesn't have all the money yet to refund, and the like. I'm holding back with my eBay feedback till this has been taken care of, yes I have notified eBay that the guy is a crook, to put it simply a real money shyster. I feel he advertised the razor which looks very, very nice to get money for himself to live on, knowing that eventually eBay will do their guarantee of money back, which they have already said I can get but have to wait till the last date in the estimated delivery dates has reached the 27th of this month, then notify them again. Mean while I just wanted to make a "WARNING" to everyone on here, to not deal with the guy, least to say I am just a bit pissed off.$_57.jpg$_57.jpg$_57.jpg$_57.jpg$_57.jpg:sneaky2:
Warning if you see this razor for sale in eBay or anywhere else stay clear