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vendredi 24 avril 2015

Newer DE Shaver - Head and Face - Don't Touch the Beard!

So, this is my first post but I will admitI've been stalking this forum for the last month or so as I've began my DEshaving experience. I must say you all have been extremely helpful to theprocess so it's time for me to come out of the shadows, introduce myself, andask for further insights. I have extremely weird balding at the my young age of33, so needless to say I've taken up head shaving. I love my beard but can'tgrow a full one so I shave the rest of my cheeks and side burns and neck aswell. I used to burn through cartridge razors and as we all know that'sexpensive and can be brutal on your face and head. I started reading up on DEShaving and was interested in the history, the cost savings, the closer shave,and the help with limiting irritation. I started first by purchasing a MicroTouch One - it was cheap and easy. I used this for about a week or two, usingthe Dorco blades that it came with. I didn't want to completely changeeverything as I wanted to limit the number of variables, so I just started withthe razor and kept my usual shaving cream. I got 2 small nicks my firstexperience and have been blood free since! I next purchased a badger hair brushand found a 1960 Schick Krona - purchased based on it's shaving angle, ease ofuse, long handle, and overall good reputation on this site. I also purchased asample pack of blades of which I'm almost done with. I started using the Kronawith the Dorco blades for a couple of shaves, then used Derby, Shark, Astra,and Feather so far. I just now started using soaps and next on my blade list isSupermax and Super Platinum. I love using the Krona, it is not overlyaggressive, has decent weight but very accommodating with the long handle. Italso makes finding the right angle easy. I feel pretty confident with mytechnique but am open to suggestion and am especially curious if there areother head shavers out there and any tips you might have. As far as blades go,I've got sensitive skin, Derby did well but left a lot of irritation. I likedthe sharpness of Feather but it seemed to not be as durable and did still leavesome irritation. Trying to find the right blade still and I realize that mighttake some time and more sample packs. I did not enjoy the Dorco blades orAstra, or Shark in particular - I found myself having to make too many passes.I am anxious to try the Gillete 7 O'clock (Black, yellow, and Green) but havenot yet found the right sample I'm looking for. I', only two shaves into usingsoap, just got some inexpensive Williams shaving soap and will eventually trysome others. Only trying to change one thing at a time though and so far I lovethe soap shave and don't plan on going back to creams. Well that's more infothan anyone needed I'm sure but I welcome any comments, suggestions, or generalharassment. Thank you all again for your contributions and for helping this guytruly appreciate the art of shaving.

Newer DE Shaver - Head and Face - Don't Touch the Beard!

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