I've been back in safety razor mode for about six weeks now .. and I'll never leave. I'm loving it. My face feels smoother and I think the shaving soap (currently DR Harris Arlington) really pampers the skin.
This is my collection .. I'm wondering if this is a good selection of mild to aggressive or is there a noticeable gap to plug .. if so, suggestions? So far the collection has cost me $80 for the lot.
Gillette Rocket mid 1950s British -- I think aluminium handle
Gillette Super Speed Red Tip circa 1953 British .. I think steel
Gillette Tech mid 50s British.. super-lightweight with aluminium ball handle
Gillette Tech mid 50s head, 60s aluminium blunt handle
Gillette Super Speed Black Tip US 1952
They're all in excellent order.
The Gillette Red Tip has lost most of its paint except for a thin streak inside each groove in the flare.
Is the consensus here to leave it alone, or repaint. If repaint, should I find a matt plastic or enamel, or even nail polish?
Any major gaps in my collection . .and restoration query