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samedi 6 septembre 2014

[WTS/WTT] KRECT Spiral Curve Slant [WTB] New Improved Head, iKon Tuckaway Handle


I'm looking to sell a vintage Krect slant. The razor is in excellent condition, no plate loss, no nicks, no dings. This is the 3-piece model that fits standard handles.

I'm looking first for a trade for an ATT Atlas R or H 1 or 2 with no real damage. If no trade is available I'll sell the razor for $150 shipped COUNS. I'll wait for a trade for a day or so, but if you like to buy please let me know. I'd also consider trades for a D01 2-band brush.

Also, I'm looking to buy or trade for a New Improved head (or whole 3-piece razor) for replating and using with other handles. I think the Tuckaway is what I'm looking for. Finally, I'm looking for the iKon stainless steel handle if someone wants to part with one.






Attached Images

[WTS/WTT] KRECT Spiral Curve Slant [WTB] New Improved Head, iKon Tuckaway Handle

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