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samedi 6 septembre 2014

WTB/WTTF: Semogue Mistura, Americana, ikon/weber bulldog, Tabac


Semogue Barbear Clasico Mistura, or Shavemac Americana brush. For the mistura, I don't want it badly enough to pay 50% over the original price or something.

Tabac stick. I would like a stick of tabac (holder, not refill). Pretty self explanatory. Partially used is fine too.

25-50 Feather DE blades


I have a classic style handle, and would like to trade straight up for a bulldog. Weber or ikon is fine.

And if anyone is interested, I have some essential and fragrance oils I don't use much. 1oz sandalwood fragrance oil and 1 oz eucalyptus essential oil, both >90% left. I'm not a perfumer, so I can't elaborate much on the smells other than sandalwood isn't for me, and the eucalyptus is fine but not something I reach for. I'll sell both for $8 shipped.

WTB/WTTF: Semogue Mistura, Americana, ikon/weber bulldog, Tabac

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