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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Vintage urge cured?

I went to River's Edge Cutlery here in Columbus to either buy a DE for myself or make the first of my Christmas purchases for this year. REC carries a modest selection of Parkers and Merkurs, with one or two other new models and a small selection of vintage DEs besides.

If they'd had a Futur, that would've been for me, but they did not. They had a Fat Boy for $100 and an SS for $34. I looked them over, having looked at both models on Ebay with thoughts of restoration and rhodium or whatnot, but then I thought, "Why do people obssess over these dingy old things?"

I admit, the Fat Boy was tempting, as there is so much fervor over acquiring one. I could tell my Micro Touch One was a copy of the SS, although the one at REC was a flare tip. I couldn't see buying essentially a slightly heavier MT1 with a dull finish. For all I know, the last user could've been a syphillitic madman!

So I bought a Parker 99R, which I will gift to my stepfather in December, along with some blades, soap, and an Escali brush. The 99R is magnificent and it will take will power to refrain from using it myself.

Afterwards, I went to an antique mall, not yet fully cured of a desire for a vintage. Slim pickings. Spotted about 4 Gems, which apparently are passed over by every vintage razor hunter.

So, after three antique stores and a thrift shop and finding nothing good, I can safely say I'm done looking for the old, overpriced stuff.

Okay, maybe a Tech...if it is reasonable.

Vintage urge cured?

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