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samedi 6 septembre 2014

The Age of Veggie is upon us.

I've been on a veggie kick for a while now. The only recent tallow soap I've really used is Cold River because I just got it. Everything else has been veggie, and I keep finding myself ordering more. Lately a major thought on my mind has been "Why on earth do people love tallow so much?" With soaps like Martin de Candre, Le Pere Lucien, Antica Barbieria Colla, Synergy, Razorock CC Bay Rum, Petal Pusher Fancies, Calani, Pre de Provence, and surely many other veggie soaps of high caliber I find it hard to listen to the "Tallow Supremacy" crowd.

Does anybody else really love their veggie soaps as much or more than their tallow soaps? I just consider tallow to be like any other ingredient - It has it's place and it does something to a soap, but it's not an essential ingredient for a soap to be a world class performer.

And while I'm on this kick, are there any veggie soaps I haven't listed that I need to try? :biggrin1:

The Age of Veggie is upon us.

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