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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

No south to north here

I have been wet shaving for about 25 years. I have been using a straight for about three weeks. I have no problems shaving WTG but when I try to shave ATG, the blade just can't get past the whiskers without hopping or trying to gouge my skin. I have honed the blade to HHT with lapping film and the blade is extremely sharp so I don't think that is the problem. I think it just might be the way my skin holds onto my whiskers. I have been shaving WTG with the straight and using a DE for ATG and XTG. I have been increasing the amount I shave with the straight by doing j hooks to catch the XTG on the lower jaw.

Does this get easier or can some people just not shave ATG with a straight?

No south to north here

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