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mardi 9 septembre 2014

New guy here

Well I'm going to venture off in to the vintage

wet shaving world.

Lots of fond memories watching grandpa shave as a kid.

Now I wish I would of picked his brain for tips. (R.I.P. Abuelo Mario)

Going to visit grandma this week (she's 95) and try to

locate some of his old razors

Great site here , I've been researching for a few weeks:thumbup1:

I was a gillette sensor cartridge user for about 18 years.

(they mailed it to me in 1992)

The last few years I've been using a Norelco electric.

This is what I've gathered up so far.

Also have a Weber Bulldog enroute.

Hopefully I don't turn my neck in to ground beef:laugh:

New guy here

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