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mardi 9 septembre 2014

Muhle R89 vs Merkur 180 (23C)

I've been shaving with my first DE, the Merkur 180, for a few weeks now. I feel like I'm getting the hang of things. I've seen a fair amount about the bump up in fit and finish with the Muhle R89. It looks like it's got a slightly larger blade gap that might be helpful. So my question is aside from the fit and finish, what sort of difference in shave quality could I expect to have with the R89?

I've got quite sensitive skin, but fortunately moderate beard thickness. I've been at this with a DE for several weeks. I occasionally get some razor burn in small patches, but usually due to needing another pass over difficult spot. I'm wondering if the .12mm bump in blade gap might allow me to leave it at two passes as my skin seems to prefer no matter how well I'm prepped, lathered, proper blade angle, etc.

The other possibility I'd be looking at would be going with a Progress.

Muhle R89 vs Merkur 180 (23C)

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