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mardi 9 septembre 2014

Klenzo B985 is Restoration

Hre's my Klenzo B985 restored with a 20mm TGN Finest. I wound up setting the loft to 45mm. The knot came about 7mm longer than spec'd on TGN's website, and I drilled the handle deeper to accommodate it. I'm actually glad I didn't go any lower with the loft. I think I could have gone higher and still been very happy with this brush. This brush has a lot of backbone at this loft. So the specs are 20x45 or 22x45 depending if you want to measure from the actual knot size or the size of the knot where it leaves the handle.

This TGN Finest knot is very soft and really well packed. It's more dense than my Vintage Blades 2 Band Finest. I can't wait until the new knot breaks in and opens up a little.

Attached Images

Klenzo B985 is Restoration

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