Here is a German Talent slant razor. Quite a remarkable construction and where did it come from? Never saw one like this -- well not exactly. Check out the variable slant and hidden (unused) styptic pencil.
It is called a Talent. And is unused -- even though the box has been around some.
And good thing the box was included -- just so I'd learn how its constructed.
Sure enough, a hidden styptic "pencil."
Resembles the Neo-Lux -- wonder who was first.
And then there's the adjustable slanted Kabrand. They evolved from their straight razor manufacturing process and design, and developed this unusual slant.
Similar style for affixing the handle to the head assembly. And how you can get it to slant.
Slanted cousins. Almost wrote twisted sisters...
They sure don't make them like they used to! Remarkable vintage slants.
It is called a Talent. And is unused -- even though the box has been around some.
And good thing the box was included -- just so I'd learn how its constructed.
Sure enough, a hidden styptic "pencil."
Resembles the Neo-Lux -- wonder who was first.
And then there's the adjustable slanted Kabrand. They evolved from their straight razor manufacturing process and design, and developed this unusual slant.
Similar style for affixing the handle to the head assembly. And how you can get it to slant.
Slanted cousins. Almost wrote twisted sisters...
They sure don't make them like they used to! Remarkable vintage slants.
These slants show some real Talent