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vendredi 1 août 2014

Started the Journey!

Just switched to DE a few weeks ago. So far so good with a number of pros to DE shaving vs cartridges and little on the con side. The "B&B Crew" here has certainly helped speed up my learning curve.

My shaving armory to date consists of a Merkur 34C, 2 boar brushes (Semogue 830 & 1305), Taylor Jermyn Street cream along with Poraso Red. The razor came with Merkur blades which seem to work fine but I have nothing to compare these with. So I just ordered my own sampler of 5 blades each of the following - Red Persona, Silver Blue, Astra SP, Feather, Persona Med Prep, Gillette 7 O' Clock Super P and BlueBird. This should keep me busy! Will pick up a scuttle soon and down the line add another razor. Also need to look into a "travel kit" as I fly quite frequently and need to appease both the TSA and my skin.

One last comment. My rationale for boar brushes at this time is purely subjective. I have hunted these critters over the years. Soon I need to post a pic of the Semogue bushes along with a rather large boar head- affectionately named Elvis.

Thanks for all the info here and a well run forum!

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