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samedi 2 août 2014

Soap Soap Lot Minor Den Clearance (MW, Tabac, Mike's, Tiki, Strop Shoppe)

I am thinning out some of my soaps that just aren't seeing the love that they deserve. I also have some new stuff on the way so I gotta make some space for those. I would like to sell this as a lot, but I will be willing to split things up if it does not sell. I prefer CONUS, but if International buyers cover the shipping I am happy to open that option up. As a bonus for purchasing the lot, I will throw in some extras. These extras include a De Long mixed brush with a huge loft, some used Stirling sample pucks (Iced Coffee & Texas on Fire), Mama Bear's Lime Cilantro sample puck, and some DE blades. I will sell the lot for $70 shipped.

Here are the soaps in the lot

Mike's Natural Lemongrass & Eucalyptus- about 95% left, only used a few times

Strop Shoppe Teak Wood- used a handful of times, probably about 90% left

Tiki Salty Air- opened up and lathered once so almost all of it is still there

Tabac- used this only once, I would say there are about 4 oz in the container

Mystic Waters Coconut- hard to tell how much is left because this was transferred to a 5 inch tin, I would guess around 75% is left

Mystic Waters Eucalyptus & Spearmint- used a couple times, probably 90% left here

Stirling Coconut- Unopened Stirling Coconut sample puck

Here is the brush and blades I will throw in if you purchase the lot. (Stirling samples not pictured)

Attached Images

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