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samedi 2 août 2014

Shaving A 6 Day Beard Growth

So I was lazy this week... Yeah, what about it. :lol:

I had a good beard going and figured it was it me to shave it off. GEM bullet tip, naw... That would be a horrible choice. Tech.... Not too much better. So I dug out the Futur that I haven't used in a while. Set it on 4 with a 3 shave old blade and went at it. I forgot how much I loved that razor. I had to put it away so I could use my others without the futur calling "pick me, pick me!"

TOBS Sandalwood

Merkur Futur

Dreadnought blade (3 shaves in) a very nice blade IMO

All it took was two passes to achieve a BBS shave, I'm happy with that!

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