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dimanche 3 août 2014

Newbie with Stahly Live Blade questions

Hey all,

I wasn't quite sure the best place to post this, but since I am a newbie I thought I would start here. I have been reading this site for a long time, but only recently switched to a DE. I picked up a Stahly Live Blade from an antique store for $20.

The Stahly is a windup clockwork razor, like a early Mach 3 turbo, that vibrates to give a closer shave. Unfortunately the spring inside that winds up broke and I am unsure how to replace it. Has anyone figured this out, or do you know if a clockwork repair guy could do this?

I was also wondering if anyone knows a good recipe for making shave soap that is also moisturizing. I have noticed that the clay in some shaving soaps dries my skin out, fortunately wife makes soap for fun and will make it however I want. I just need to let her know what ingredients I want. Unfortunately, from what I have read, the more moisturizing the ingredient the poorer the lather it produces. Any thoughts. (I am thinking of an anise and peppermint scent).

Love the site!


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