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vendredi 1 août 2014

Newbie with hone and pinning questions

I've been DE wet shaving for 8-9 months now. A couple of weeks ago in a weak moment, I somehow purchased a Ern 4720 straight razor. (I swear, Honey, I don't know how this happened...)

I've never even had a straight shave.


I've sanded all the rust and most of the pitting. It really has shined up nicely.


The scales were warped and cracked and one broke in pieces when I unpinned it.

My new scales


Now my Questions:

1. What type of hone finish is best for a newbie?

2. Should I have it honed before I rescaled it?

3. Should I have someone else repinn or can I do that?

4. What should all this cost me to get done. (This is not a cheap hobby lol).

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