I recently started collecting antique razors. So far I have a couple Gillette safety razors from the 50's (one of which I use every day), and I just bought a Joseph Elliott straight razor off eBay for $9.99 including shipping. I've tried researching it a bit, and I read somewhere that the (backward) C + C logo (which this has) was only used from 1821 to 1854. This razor doesn't look that old to me, but I really have no idea. It looks like the handle was broken and repaired and there are a couple chips in the blade. Obviously this wouldn't be one to use, but it was a cheap way to start a collection. Can any of you tell me anything about this blade? I'll also add a picture of my safety razors.photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3(1).jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5.jpg
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