Hey fellows, I have been lurking around the site for a while. It seemed all my Google searches of all things blade and all things badger brought me here at some point. So I decided to join. It made a lot of sense considering how much time I spend shaving, talking about shaving, and thinking about shaving. But here's the thing; I have a full beard and a handlebar moustache. That's right, I'm a head shaver. But I practice the same old school wet shaving methods I see so many practicing so passionately here. I may be in the minority here, but there are so many things we can all share in common.
Right now my razor is a cheap colonel conk safety razor. It does the job and while I feel I will one day upgrade, that day is not today. My blades are feather new hi-stainless, no complaints. My soap is D. R. Harris Marlborough. Very nice, but it's new and I'm still getting used to lathering it. To be fair I'm getting used to lathering period. Before that I used Van Der Hagen briefly, and before that Jack Black triple cushion. Before that I didn't shave. I have a pure badger brush and a boar's hair brush. I haven't used the boar's hair, it came with the Van Der Hagen, and I think I want a Silvertip brush. Time will tell.
So that's me. Hoping to get to know some of you, or at least add as much to the community as I have already taken.
Right now my razor is a cheap colonel conk safety razor. It does the job and while I feel I will one day upgrade, that day is not today. My blades are feather new hi-stainless, no complaints. My soap is D. R. Harris Marlborough. Very nice, but it's new and I'm still getting used to lathering it. To be fair I'm getting used to lathering period. Before that I used Van Der Hagen briefly, and before that Jack Black triple cushion. Before that I didn't shave. I have a pure badger brush and a boar's hair brush. I haven't used the boar's hair, it came with the Van Der Hagen, and I think I want a Silvertip brush. Time will tell.
So that's me. Hoping to get to know some of you, or at least add as much to the community as I have already taken.
An introduction