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samedi 2 août 2014

Aftershave For sale: Aftershaves, frag, and various blades

It's den clearing time again! Here's what I have to offer:


Tabac AS 10.1 oz. 95% remaining? SWMBO doesn't care for it...

Superior 70 Bay Rum. Big 25.4 oz size, 85% remaining.

Kanon Norwegian Wood Full.

Canoe Gift set unopened. 2.0 oz EDT, 2.0 oz AS


BLADES: 5 Shark SC

5 Shark SS

7 Supermax Platinum

5 Supermax Super Platinum

...and 6 Dorcos (1 ST-301, a few ST-300s, if you want them).

I would prefer to sell sell as a lot. I'm willing to separate the blades and AS if necessary, but the AS I probably would sell all together. I'd like $30, including shipping to CONUS, for everything. As far as trades...I'd certainly be interested in ASTRA SS or SP blades, or Gillette Wilkinson from India. Or another Whipped Dog synthetic brush. Let me know what you have; after all, I'm making room to acquire more stuff!

Thanks for looking.

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