This morning was my first shave with a straight. It resulted with no blood or irritation, but still a decent bit of stubble left behind. It feels a lot like I'm learning to shave all over again, once again. I did a couple WTG passes and felt pretty comfortable on my cheeks. My neck is going to take some getting used to. CartridgesAreADrag has been my primary enabler, and also a wealth of information.
I picked up my razor from the BST courtesy of Padre O'Brien, a Dubl Duck Goldedge. I fell in love with the look of the Goldedge when I first saw one a few months ago. My soap was I Coloniali and my aftershave was Speick. I have a Tony Miller "Plain Vanilla" strop that I'll be using to learn stropping. One day down and I haven't damaged it, yet.
DD Goldedge.jpg
I have a Sheffield wedge that was restored by mycarver. I'm saving that razor until I figure out what I'm doing. I'm also trying my hand at restoring a Wade & Butcher.
I picked up my razor from the BST courtesy of Padre O'Brien, a Dubl Duck Goldedge. I fell in love with the look of the Goldedge when I first saw one a few months ago. My soap was I Coloniali and my aftershave was Speick. I have a Tony Miller "Plain Vanilla" strop that I'll be using to learn stropping. One day down and I haven't damaged it, yet.
DD Goldedge.jpg
I have a Sheffield wedge that was restored by mycarver. I'm saving that razor until I figure out what I'm doing. I'm also trying my hand at restoring a Wade & Butcher.