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mardi 3 juin 2014

What to do about slippery leather soles?

Aloha all,

I have just received my first pair of nice dress shoes. I have never owned any nice dress shoes and decided to change that. These shoes aren't exactly super dressy, but quite dressy enough for Hawaii and also they are slip-on which means a lot as we do not wear our shoes inside anyone's home. This makes them dressy but also easy enough to get on and of with little hassle. They actually look like boots when I put them on, so I guess that means I will have to get another pair for dress "shoes".

To the dilemma:

These shoes have a leather sole that I found out was very slippery. Slippery on carpet, on tile, on wood, etc. I have no idea what to do about them, except to start looking for some skateboard grip tape, which I think might be tacky? So, What do you do for your leather soled shoes so that they aren't causing you to look like you're skating instead of walking?

Here is a link to the shoes that I purchased (brown):


Please help as I fear that my only option might be found at the local skate shop :001_huh:.

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