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mardi 3 juin 2014

Pre Shave — Oil Vs Glycerina

A Quick Preface: I'm not debating whether or not pre shave oils work. Too many good threads on that. YMMV; I'm talking about past the preferences.

I came across a concoction of a pre shave "oil" that worked wonderfully, then terribly.

Let me explain—

I mixed equal parts glycerin, olive oil, castor oil as a pre shave. Just for the first place.

I noticed a "test"-ed palm lather with a few drops of the emulsion added produced the most GORGEOUS lather i've ever seen. It was the difference between the Bigmacs you see on Television commercials and the one you find when you order one in person. Uberlather on steroids. Honestly. Slick, wet, rich, creamy, dense, airy, hydrated, every soap and cream I threw at it was exploding.

And then it happened.

My brushes were so terrible, I had to replace them. A big fan of boars, I suspected—paranoia, in hindsight—the ends couldn't effectively split. Worse, each subsequent lather required what looked like more and more water to generate... a false alarm.

And then it happened.

Correction: Mitchell's Wool Fat happened. One of the replaced brushes, a Semogue 830, went to work with one the other day, and I remember reading something of a sensitivity to water. So I did lukewarm water, and, even with the new brush, the lather was very weak. But then, for some weird reason, I remembered the days of Culinary School when I had to learn the emulsifying fats and water-based substances to form an emulsion. That, when they "split," just some cold water will do just fine. As in, a few drops at the end can re-bind the immiscible liquids.

Well, guess what I did.

It turned out GREAT. MWF: solved from here on out.

The point is this—Should I resurrect this pre shave oil business? Has it been confirmed elsewhere how terrible they are for brushes? Anyone tried something similar?

Any of our scientist-minded brethren vouch for this little theory of mine—or is it totally bogus and something else is totally at play here?

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