I can't believe there aren't any Big Brother threads yet!!
I'll admit, I'm a shameless BB fan. It's the ONLY "reality" show that I enjoy watching. I just like to see the psychology in action... a bunch of people, as different as night and day trying to get along (or not). It's a lot of fun, and is much less "produced" than other "reality" shows (although they do have obvious moments of advertising plugs and prefilmed bits).
As my wife and I watched the 2 episode season premier last night, I thought of something (when they introduced Bearded Donny, of all people). If I were to be invited into the Big Brother house for the summer... how in the world could I possibly choose a shaving kit to bring! It obviously have to be limited, and they probably have rules against straight razors. So of course, like any blue-blooded member of Badger & Blade, I spent WAY too long thinking about it!
Here's what I came up with.
Razors - 2: (1) Schick Injector for it's safety, ease of use, and blade containers. (2) Gillette NEW Improved for it's cool factor in the hopes of converting millions of viewers
Blades - Injector blades, probably 4 cartridges would get me through the summer. 2 tucks of Gillette Silver Blues - best blade for me in the N.I. Don't need many with the Injector on hand
Brush: Simple... just one. Restored Made Rite Synthetic. It's my nicest brush. If I manage to convert any house guests it still has the look of Badger hair... super soft, easily cleaned and quick drying.
AS: This is the hard one. If I rock the VEG, I risk getting voted out first... or everyone throws all competitions for me to win. I'd probably opt for Aqua Velva and Clubman. Inoffensive, cooling and relaxing.
Balm - RazoRock Aftershave wax. No nonsense. A little goes a LOOOONG way.
All this would fit neatly in my travel bag with a tub of Pinaud Gel, a comb, and various other travel grooming items.
What would you guys bring, and why?
PS... I'd probably also plug B&B at least twice a week.
I'll admit, I'm a shameless BB fan. It's the ONLY "reality" show that I enjoy watching. I just like to see the psychology in action... a bunch of people, as different as night and day trying to get along (or not). It's a lot of fun, and is much less "produced" than other "reality" shows (although they do have obvious moments of advertising plugs and prefilmed bits).
As my wife and I watched the 2 episode season premier last night, I thought of something (when they introduced Bearded Donny, of all people). If I were to be invited into the Big Brother house for the summer... how in the world could I possibly choose a shaving kit to bring! It obviously have to be limited, and they probably have rules against straight razors. So of course, like any blue-blooded member of Badger & Blade, I spent WAY too long thinking about it!
Here's what I came up with.
Razors - 2: (1) Schick Injector for it's safety, ease of use, and blade containers. (2) Gillette NEW Improved for it's cool factor in the hopes of converting millions of viewers
Blades - Injector blades, probably 4 cartridges would get me through the summer. 2 tucks of Gillette Silver Blues - best blade for me in the N.I. Don't need many with the Injector on hand
Brush: Simple... just one. Restored Made Rite Synthetic. It's my nicest brush. If I manage to convert any house guests it still has the look of Badger hair... super soft, easily cleaned and quick drying.
AS: This is the hard one. If I rock the VEG, I risk getting voted out first... or everyone throws all competitions for me to win. I'd probably opt for Aqua Velva and Clubman. Inoffensive, cooling and relaxing.
Balm - RazoRock Aftershave wax. No nonsense. A little goes a LOOOONG way.
All this would fit neatly in my travel bag with a tub of Pinaud Gel, a comb, and various other travel grooming items.
What would you guys bring, and why?
PS... I'd probably also plug B&B at least twice a week.