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mercredi 7 mai 2014

WTT PGS Whiskey Soap and AS

I bought some Portland General Store Whiskey shaving soap and the matching after shave splash a couple of years back. The label instructs us to use within 12 months, but they still function as well and smell as good as when I bought them.

Only used a few times, probably 90+% left. I'd like to send them out together, to cut down on the hassle.

Would like to trade for some software-- Mike's, Stirling, Syngery, or other high performing artisan soaps, and/or aftershave milks, balms or splashes. I like the Fine bottle I got, so there's that.

If you have to buy it, I'd suppose I'd ship them out CONUS for $25 as a pair.

Make me an offer!

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