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vendredi 9 mai 2014

Trumper's Coconut soap SUCESS!

Good morning Gents, Finally, I was able to get an amazing THICK and SLICK lather from Trumper's Coconut soap (new formulation). I took the soap out of the wooden bowl and grated the soap into an OS mug. I soak the puck while in the shower and used my Semogue Owner's Club Boar brush. The reviews on this soap have been "meh" at best and before I gave it away I had to give it another shot. So, for those of you who get that light, airy and overprotective lather, try hitting it with a boar brush with good backbone after soaking it for a bit. I actually give it a 4 out of 5 now after a full month of getting great lather from the soap. Just thought I'd share. Don't give up on it.

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