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jeudi 8 mai 2014

Thinking of a PIF to do

My one year anniversary here on B&B is coming up (End of June). I am putting together a PIF for a lucky newbie but I need some advice on a shaving brush to put in the PIF. My first brush was a crappy brush from a Vegan Artisan soap shop in my hometown. Are the Omega Synthetic brushes with the colored transparent handles good? I figure an inexpensive brush is good to learn with but I don't want to get a crappy brush.

The other items I am thinking of including are:

My Merkur 1904 Classic OC. (It was a great razor to learn DE shaving for me. I Have better gear now)

5-Blades of Astra SPs

5-Blades of Gillette Super Thins (These three blades are my favorite.)

5-Blades of Persona Med Preps

1 Puck of Edwin Jagger Limes and Pomegranate (will be new) (My first good shaving soap)

Is this a good PIF set?

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