So when the weather got warm in FL we went up to the WNC mountains. I brought a New with a stainless steel handle, a Slim, and a Tech. Then, somehow, a Long Comb fever came over me. This was not a normal RAD; it was sudden and irrational, and over almost before my wife could intervene (though intervene she did!)
Within a short period I had added (left to right below, not counting the one hanging on the mug) a Rhodium New, a sad-sack goldwash New (with coppery cap), a down-to-brass New (I really like that yellow brass cap), a Goodwill Frankenrazor (from B&B Hobbyist’s own Techici), and a regular long comb Goodwill.
We had a thread a while ago about the Goodwills, in which UnCL3 asked about a Long Comb blade guard with a perforated cap that may have been mis-matched, here:
After that thread had percolated in my mind for a week or so, I thought I wanted to try that razor, too, and as soon as my brain heard, “I want…” the fever was on me! First, I had to try a regular Goodwill for a baseline…yeah, a baseline, that’s it (which turned out to be indistinguishable to me from any other New Long Combs), and, of course, while looking for the baseline, I found other News that I wanted (including the Rhodium one – the true manifestation of the fever!).
Anyway, the Frankenrazor Goodwill shaves more like a Tech to me than a Long Comb. It took me half the first shave to find the correct angle, so I lathered up again and shaved…again. The result was a DFS with no irritation. I shaved several times with the baseline Goodwill and once with the Rhodium New, but not yet with the other two that came along for the ride.
The razor in the background is a Krona replate hooked up to a Justin Griest stainless steel handle – a workhorse that has been on vacation since the fever.
Gillette News and Goodwills.JPG
Within a short period I had added (left to right below, not counting the one hanging on the mug) a Rhodium New, a sad-sack goldwash New (with coppery cap), a down-to-brass New (I really like that yellow brass cap), a Goodwill Frankenrazor (from B&B Hobbyist’s own Techici), and a regular long comb Goodwill.
We had a thread a while ago about the Goodwills, in which UnCL3 asked about a Long Comb blade guard with a perforated cap that may have been mis-matched, here:
After that thread had percolated in my mind for a week or so, I thought I wanted to try that razor, too, and as soon as my brain heard, “I want…” the fever was on me! First, I had to try a regular Goodwill for a baseline…yeah, a baseline, that’s it (which turned out to be indistinguishable to me from any other New Long Combs), and, of course, while looking for the baseline, I found other News that I wanted (including the Rhodium one – the true manifestation of the fever!).
Anyway, the Frankenrazor Goodwill shaves more like a Tech to me than a Long Comb. It took me half the first shave to find the correct angle, so I lathered up again and shaved…again. The result was a DFS with no irritation. I shaved several times with the baseline Goodwill and once with the Rhodium New, but not yet with the other two that came along for the ride.
The razor in the background is a Krona replate hooked up to a Justin Griest stainless steel handle – a workhorse that has been on vacation since the fever.
Gillette News and Goodwills.JPG