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mercredi 7 mai 2014

New to Splashes. Which Bay Rum?

As the title says, despite being a wet shaver for years, I have just recently discovered the joys of a good alcohol splash AS; up until now, I've been an ASB guy. My first (and currently only) splash is the mighty Veg, which both I and my wife enjoy the scent of. I would like to get a bay rum, but I'm a little overwhelmed by all the choices.

I definitely want to try Captain's Choice at some point, but I'd like to start with something a little cheaper. I was considering the Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum, but the descriptions of it are a little....intimidating. I want something that smells nice, and is going to leave my face feeling as great as the Veg does. Is the VIBM a bit too much? Any other suggestions at a similar price point?

(On a slightly related note, years ago I had a bottle of CO Bigelow Bay Rum Aftershave Balm. It was pricey, but that stuff was great, and I'm sad they don't make it anymore).

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