عيد مبارك سعيد

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jeudi 29 mai 2014

Giving up ASB

I've really tried. I thought I was a balm guy, not sure why, but I thought I was. I have finally confirmed that ASB is the cause of my neck irritation. I thought it was Alum, so I stopped that a few weeks ago. Then I started putting AS splash into the rotation and I started clearing up the irritation on my neck. I'd go back to the balm every couple shaves and the irritation would flare up. I chalked it up to technique. I have had a great couple shaves and today, post shave, I had no irritation. Smooth. After the Thayers dried, I thought I'd try the balm. 2 minutes later, bumps and irritation galore! That's it, I am a splash guy from here on out.

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