عيد مبارك سعيد

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lundi 28 avril 2014

Van der hagen preimum shave kit.

So as some of you may know from my newbie post my first Merkur de razor I purchased from amazon was "Lost" in the mail and I had to order another one which I finally received. Anyway I guess they found my last one and its being sent out to me. I have decided to give it to my old man as an early fathers day gift. Only thing is he does not have a brush or bowl or soap. I saw this kit at walgreens for ten bucks and was wondering if anyone else has purchased it?? Is it any good???? I saw the brush was boar and not badger, how big of a difference does it make??? How is the shave soap??

Moral of I think this would be an inexpensive way to get him started wet shaving. But I don't want to buy it if its complete garbage....

Thanks ahead of time



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