I started working on an old antique shop find and have run into some pitting on the blade. This shot shows the worst of it but it is not on the edge as it appears to be in the picture. Is hand-shading this out is about the only way to remove or reduce it? Maybe a progression of W/D papers with a shaped sanding block underneath the paper? Blade looks like a half-hollow. One side of the blade is stamped but it is pretty deep and not much pitting around the stamp, thankfully. I don't mind a few "scars" because it's not a new razor but I'd like to reduce them as much as I can and still retain some of the vintage look.
How would YOU do it?
Thanks for your comments. I will post progress pictures.
Blade Pitting.jpg
How would YOU do it?
Thanks for your comments. I will post progress pictures.
Blade Pitting.jpg