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lundi 28 avril 2014

Bought my first straight

Been shaving with a DE for a while and still plan on doing that, but I recently found a hen and rooster straight for 80 bucks at a knife specialist shop and got it, a oning stone, strop and paste. It took me a bit to realize that the straight needed honing, so I pulled up some Lynn Abrams vids and sharpened the straight. It still seemed for a moment or two that it wasn't cutting though, so I cleaned up and sat dow to resharpen and hone... I think I finally set my edge and can shave with it. I didn't do a full pass though. Just 2 WTG cheek passes.

Question to the straight guys, how long did it take you to get comfortable with the angle and was I overreacting when I still didn't hear hairs being sheared off on my retry. They did, but I wasn't able to tell how good of a job I did.

Also, did I buy a bum razor? This one worries me the most. Hen and Rooster is a german company I know, but the shank says it was forged and likely made in Spain. So I'm a bit at a loss.

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