Curious to see which category you would identify yourself with when it comes to your shaving preferences. This covers all gear, from razors and soap/creams to after shave and cologne to blades, etc.
For me, Id say Im a combination. I love vintage products and newer products; they each hold an appeal of their own.
I dont have any signature products and enjoy trying all the varieties, but one day I may end up settling on one signature set of products if I can find the elusive it factor.
- Traditional: Prefers to use vintage razors, older style after shaves, etc
- Contemporary: Prefers to use modern gear such as Futur or current stainless steel razors, newer artisan soaps/creams, etc
- Tried and True: Has found the one (or maybe 2) product(s) and sticks with them. It is your signature style.
- Variety is the spice of life: Likes to experiment with a variety of products and never settle on one for too long.
- Combination: Identify with a few of the aforementioned categories
For me, Id say Im a combination. I love vintage products and newer products; they each hold an appeal of their own.
I dont have any signature products and enjoy trying all the varieties, but one day I may end up settling on one signature set of products if I can find the elusive it factor.